When Baby Comes Home - Homecoming Checklist For the New Mom

The day that your baby finally comes home from the hospital is a day filled with excitement, joy, and a little trepidation. Like any significant event in ones life, things go far more smoothly with a little preparation. Here is a list of things that should be done before baby arrives at home for the first time.

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Clean sheets should be on the bassinet or the crib. This can be done up to a month before baby's arrival. Sheets should be out of the packages, stretched properly over the mattress, and wrappings should be tossed.

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The changing table should be set up and stocked. Your baby can soil a diaper at anytime. Be prepared with, powders, wipes, and lotions etc., way before the first changing.

Baby's wardrobe should be accessible. Baby's clothing should be hung up or folded in its proper place with tags removed, boxes thrown out, and any excess wrapping also gone. You will need to have baby's wardrobe handy as soon as baby comes home.

Don't take too many bags to the hospital for delivery. What comes has to go, and now you have an infant to carry. Pack light for a short stay.

Ask for help when you need it. Friends, family and neighbors are there to help. Don't take on all the burden of maintaining a household by yourself. That's what friends and family are for - to help you get through it all in one piece.

Bringing home baby is momentous occasion in your life. Make it easier, calmer, and more joyous, with a little preparation. You never know when your tiny bundle of joy will come, and sometimes he or she is early. Be prepared in advance just in case.

When Baby Comes Home - Homecoming Checklist For the New Mom
Crib Sets For Girls

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